We have all flipped through our old photos and had one of those moments. You know what we are talking about. That unflattering vacation photo you took on your last trip to Cancun. These pictures while not always the most fun to look at, can serve as powerful motivation of how far you have come or what you’re working away from.
Eat Good & Stuff is a simple but powerful app in the war against eating unhealthy food. The app allows you to set up Mealerts. Mealerts are reminders that you can set to go off during your day, specifically before meal times. With each Mealert you can attach a picture of your choice (whatever motivates you), as well as adding a motivational message. Eat Good & Stuff will send the reminders you have set up throughout the day to help give you the extra nudge to choose to eat healthy.
Eat Good & stuff Free Version
• Choose from three different preset Mealerts.
• Add a motivational image to your Mealert.
• Add a custom motivational message to your Mealerts.
Eat Good & Stuff Premium Version
• Create an unlimited number of Mealerts.
• Set the exact time of day of the Mealert.
• Choose the specific days of the week the Mealert is triggered (Everyone needs a cheat day).
• Add up to five different images to each Mealert for extra motivation.
• Customize your Eat Good & Stuff experience with twelve different background colors.
• Choose from over thirty custom icons to assign to your Mealert.